Department of Construction and Mineral Engineering
In line with the duties of Electrics, Mechanics and Construction Research Center, Construction and Mining Research Group is working in the fields of construction and mine as follows:
- Performing tests on products that are subject to the requirements of Mandatory and voluntary standards
- Fulfilling research and investigation tests in relevant fields
- Carrying out research activities to enhance the quality of goods and technical services
- Conducting research and investigation projects related to other organizations
- Publishing of research and science activities results through scientific journals, magazines and papers
- Incorporating in developing national and international standards and vote on the draft of international standards of ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- Providing scientific and technical services to the companies that have not met requirements of national standards
- Providing consulting services
Training and retraining QC (Quality Control) managers in country
- Holding training worhshops
- Holding conferences, specific exhibitions and scientific seminars
- laboratory Glass and Porcelain
- Ceramic laboratory
- Concrete laboratory
- laboratory Chemical
- laboratory Cement
- Stone material laboratory
- Building insulator laboratory
- Refractory materials laboratory
- Investigation of effect of microsilice on beton strength (Behzad mehdikhani, Behzad Saeedi Razavi, Hamid Samanian)